Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Do you make resolutions at this time of year? Or do some kind of evaluation of past accomplishments and future goals? Most of us do. And just as many of us often end up disappointing ourselves with what we perceive as failure to keep those resolutions. Next time you want to change something in your life, consider these tips.

1. Start small. Don’t try to change everything about your life. Choose something small, such as establishing a new habit of greeting each person you see with a smile or drinking one less cup of coffee.

2. Set yourself up to succeed. Put a process in place that helps you establish the new habit. For example, you want to lose weight? Keep healthy, non-fattening snacks in the front of the refrigerator or cabinet, where you see them first. You want to smile more? Put attractive, unobtrusive mirrors in strategic places throughout your house so you catch glimpses of yourself throughout the day. Or buy some herbal teas to replace your usual coffee.

3. If you slip up, don’t give up. Forgive yourself and start over. One dessert binge might add a pound or three to your weight, but a return to sensible eating the next day will put the weight loss back on track. That person you frowned at may never remember you with kindness, but, if you stop worrying about him, the next person may find sunshine in your smile.

4. Reward yourself. Establish milestones to celebrate. Your goal is to lose 20 pounds? Reward yourself for each 5 pounds lost. A new blouse, an hour spent giving yourself a facial, a guilt-free night watching football, whatever you think of as a special treat. If the reward is a special food, make sure it will not sabotage your progress.

Resolutions don’t have to be destined to fail. They can be the stepping stones to making your life more fulfilling, peaceful and productive.

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